How Do Septic Tanks Work?

A well-maintained septic tank can remain functional for years, saving you time and money on repairs. Maintaining a septic tank is not expensive and is easily accessible, however, a faulty tank might require repairing, which can add up to the prices. Good maintenance starts with an understanding of your septic tanks and their workings. Septic Tanks Are Party Houses For Bacteria A septic tank carries out its duties of filtering out solid waste from sewage water, by the use of anaerobic bacteria, which breaks down the solid waste, forming a sediment layer. Most of the bacteria content of a septic tank is in its drain field, while some remain within the tank. Remember: All waste produced in the house passes through the septic tank Watery waste, called effluent, fills most of the tank and gets broken down by bacteria A layer of sludge forms at the bottom, consisting of inorganic byproducts of the bacterial digestion A layer of scum forms at the top, consisting of fat, grease and...